"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Deer everywhere: side yard, backyard and frontyard

Recently, the deer have begun to feel very comfortable hanging out around the house. On many days, I open the back door up or come home to find several smallish deer waiting for me. Ann Ferris and Schaefer went exploring a while back and found a really cool rippling creek about 40 yards behind the house and down the hill (we can now see it from the den and kitchen windows since the leaves fell). There is a beaver dam in the creek and a thicket where the deer bed down. Come for a visit and we'll take you on a nature excursion. :0)

The side yard...

The front yard... Picture taken from front door window.

The neighbors feeding ground out back.
Picture taken from kitchen window.

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