"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ann Ferris' New Years Eve B'Day at Monteagle, TN

The Castons celebrated Ann Ferris' New Years Eve b'day Dec. 30-Jan. 1 at the Burris Ministerial Cottage in Monteagle, TN. After I preached at Christ Community Church in Kennesaw/Acworth, GA, we drove up to Monteagle, where we had dinner at Crust (a very cool pizza and pasta joint). For New Year's we ate at Pappa Rons. Cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies and other fun stuff rounded out the fun days on the mountain.

By the way, we are thankful for Ann Ferris beyond words. Enjoy the video of the point, too.

Click on individual pictures for a larger view (especially Ann Ferris and Schaeffer at the point).

Cinnamon rolls with icing for breakfast- yum!

Ann Ferris wanted to turn 12 on the horse swing.
This pic was taken at exactly 4:26 CST on Dec. 31, 2007. Twelve years to the minute!

Hanging out at the point on a beautiful, clear, crisp day.

Sarah Wynn will be four on Jan. 12. She wants an ice cream cone for her birthday.

Living on the edge.

Daddy and Schaeffer on the horse swing.

Posing on the horse swing.

Daddy's "Whoonu" face.
If you haven't played Whoonu?, you need to get it. A lot of fun and a great family game.

Video of Ann Ferris and Schaeffer on the big rocks at the point.


The O'Brien Family said...

Happy Birthday Ann Ferris! I can't believe you are 12!!!

LawDog84 said...

Ann Ferris, hope you had a very happy birthday. It sure looked like a fun one! The Quinlens cannot wait to hang out with the Castons at Monteagle this summer!

McKay Caston said...

Thanks to the O'Briens, Quinlens, and all others who have wished Ann Ferris a happy b'day! She loves being 12. :0)

dmc said...

Looks like you're all having so much fun. Hope you had a great day!