"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Monteagle Spring Trip, Part 2

QUOTEABLE: On the drive back from Monteagle, Sarah Wynn began to get a bit queasy in the stomach, and feeling like she might throw up in the van, said to Kristy, "Hurry, Mommy! Give me the hand gel." This was a strange request, so Kristy asked, "Why, Sweetie?" Sarah Wynn replied, matter of factly, "So that I will not get sick."

The punch line explained: Before meals out or after activities in fun, germ infested places like the mall, Kristy will "pass around" the hand gel, so that we "will not get sick." Now you get it!

Source: Sept. 6, 2005 reported, "Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel significantly reduces the spread of gastrointestinal infections in the home." All you OCD fans out there are feeling pretty justified about now, aren't you? :0)

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