"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back to Mississippi, Part 3: Family

On Saturday of our "Back to Mississippi" trip, we gathered at "Mamaw and Papaw's" house (Kristy's maternal grandparents) in the country (Midway, MS) for a family get-together/fish-fry to celebrate several birthdays all at once. It doubled as a mini-family reunion. Here are some highlights.

Mamaw and Papaw's children, and most of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Some of the great-grandchildren walking back from the pond.

Hanging out on the porch.

Evidence of a fish-fry.

SW looking at the ducks with "Nini."

Some of the extended family joined us, too (most in this picture are not in the group photo above).


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