"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Friday, May 09, 2008

Pet Lizard

Let me introduce you to our pet lizard. Well, he is actually our former pet lizard (we let him go), but he lives around the dog pen in the back of the house (so we still see him every day). Watching this little dude change colors was really cool (green to brown and back to green again). And check out those splits. Some serious flexibility! Click on the picture for a larger image.

UPDATE: Our pet snake, Prince (not to be confused with the snake formerly known as Prince), escaped from captivity when Sarah Wynn left the lid off of his container. Thankfully, the container was outside when left open! For a direct link to a short video documentary of Schaeffer handling Prince, click here.

By the way, we are now looking for a small turtle and a salamander.

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