"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Monday, March 31, 2008

Cinderella Ballet

BLOG NEWS FLASH: This is our 100th post. Not much in the larger world of blogging, but something for us to celebrate nonetheless! :0)

On Sunday afternoon, Kristy and Ann Ferris attended Perimeter Church's Academy of the Arts ballet performance of Cinderella at the Wesleyan Auditorium. AF had several friends in the ballet, which made it especially fun to attend. Ann Ferris had aspirations of being a professional ballerina years ago when we lived in Tupelo. Below are a few pictures of AF participating in a December 2002 city-wide performance of the Nutcracker in front of over 1,000 people (Yes, there were a lot of proud moms and dads there that night!). Since living in Tupelo, she has not had access to classical ballet, so her training was short lived. But since she has such fond memories as a little girl, she still loves the art and the atmosphere of the ballet.

Demonstrating good ballet form.

Ann Ferris is in the center.

The following pics are of her recital from spring, 2003.

Receiving the traditional flowers of appreciation after a recital.

I remember this as if it were yesterday.


katie said...

I remember this, Ann Ferris. I came with Nini. I miss you and I hope to see you soon. You look like a real ballerina.

McKay Caston said...

"Hope to see you soon, too, Katie!"
- Ann Ferris