"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Laura Story Elvington CD Release Concert

Wow! Tonight, Laura Story Elvington (goes by Laura Story on iTunes), one of Periemter's two primary music/worship leaders, gave a free worship concert in conjunction with the release of her new CD, "Great God Who Saves." With full worship band and choir, along with 4,000 clapping hands, it was a night to remember! Laura is not only an awesome musician and vocalist, but has experienced substantial trial for a young woman. Soon after her marriage, he r husband was diagnosed with brain cancer. He survived, but not without significant complications from surgery. I mention her suffering because it gives her music a rare depth and radical God-centeredness (and will give you a "personal context" when you listen). I've posted a picture of Laura on stage and one with her and Schaeffer and Ann Ferris after the concert. To purchase the CD, go to Laura Story Music online (where you can listen to her original song, "Indescribable"), or download the album at iTunes. Just search for "Laura Story." The whole album might not be available for about a week on iTunes, but in the mean time you can download a 3 song EP. Enjoy.

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