"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Making Room for Life

I recently read a book by Randy Frazee called Making Room for Life: Trading Chaotic Lifestyles for Connected Relationships. Although some of Frazee's exegetical points may not be airtight, his thesis is worth considering, not to mention a number of practical suggestions that he makes. Our family is in the process of making a number of experimental changes to our life routine along the lines of the "Hebrew Day Planner." What am I talking about? Find out in a helpful review here. And if your interest is piqued, get the book here.

However, with anything that promotes "good ideas/applications/suggestions," we have to be careful not to turn them into legalisms. But neither do we want exceptions to become the rule. Anyway, the main thing I have gleaned is that I need to work hard, and then put it down so that I can engage my family without distraction. The concept behind the Hebrew Day Planner is proving to be a big, big help.

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