"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Birthday Boy

Today was Schaeffer's 10th birthday, which now means that we only have one left in single digits. We began the day with a breakfast of donuts and muffins, and gave him some of his gifts then. But waited until this afternoon for the "biggie," which was my old Fort Apache play set that I loved as a little boy. My grandfather boxed it up over twenty years ago for me to give to my son. I wish he were alive to be here for the unveiling. See the pics below of him setting it up. We are so thankful that God gave us Schaeffer. He is a very special boy, with very special sisters, too. :0)

B'day breakfast. Donuts, muffins...

...and oh yeah, and we also had a ham. :0)

Blowing out his b'day candle on his donut (the cake comes later in his b'day week).

Best friends.

Sarah Wynn's hero.

Unwrapping Fort Apache!

One of Schaeffer's first set ups.

A close up of a battle scene.


Nini said...

Wow, Schaeffer, what an awesome gift. Your great-grandad probably knew that you would enjoy it as much as Dad did. How special!

Nini said...

P.S. I don't know how we would ever get all of yours boxed up when the time comes--forts, ships,castles,knights, pirates, soldiers, cowboys, Indians--and the list goes on, except for the ones Sara Swynn has claimed.