"Shall We Not Take the Adventure that Aslan Has Set Before Us?"

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday: Worship, Picnics, Kites, Bubbles, Eggs, Etc.

Today, after an awesome, awesome morning of gathered worship at Perimeter, we joined several families for a picnic, kite fly (it was a world class kite day!) and easter egg hunt in the city part of Alpharetta, GA (a northern suburb of Atlanta). Here are some highlights.

Sarah Wynn counts her egg collection.

Sarah Wynn and friends get ready to blow some serious bubbles.

Just couldn't wait to get home to eat her chocolate eggs. Can you blame her?

Ann Ferris and friends. Notice the great playfort in the background. It is hugemongous. :0)

Some of the picnic/egg hunt/kite fly crew.
Or as I like to call this one, "Schaeffer and the Ladies." :0)

Sarah Wynn and Daddy flying a kite.

The picnic (again, notice the fun playfort).

Here is a partial pic of the kids in their "Easter outfits" (Sorry, the vertical shot didn't turn out very well). Ann Ferris' dress is so classic. Sarah Wynn thought hers was for a princess. And Schaeffer had on some seersucker slacks- very sharp. Even though on most Sundays folks dress casual at Perimeter (only visitors wear ties :0), Atlanta still has enough southern influence that many folks still dress up a bit on Easter.


The O'Brien Family said...

Happy Easter everyone!! Love the Easter pictures!

McKay Caston said...

Thanks, O'brien crew. We are so glad that Sarah Frances is doing better! Please give her a big hug from Sarah Wynn and the rest of us.

dmc said...

Good looking bunch of kids! Glad you had such a wonderful Easter!